About Us
Each year, the EBUMC Golf Benefit committee hosts a golf tournament to raise funds for local missions and supporting community events.
Our committee members include Bob Earl, Kathy Kretz, Art Latimer, Lillian Taylor, Dale Terry, Susan Terry, Brian Webber, and Ryan Avril.
Twenty-Three Years!
To our generous sponsors…THANK YOU!
Ebenezer United Methodist Church is, and has been, so very appreciative of the support we have received in the past from our individual and corporate sponsors. The success of our golf outings – and the many community outreach events and ministries it supports – is largely due to sponsorships. Typically, around 80% of net proceeds consist of funds donated by generous community-minded people and businesses such as yours.
Elizabeth Manor Golf and Country Club (EMGCC)
Elizabeth Manor is an immaculately maintained, private Country Club bordering on the Elizabeth River in Portsmouth. Owned by Dwight Schaubach, an Ebenezer supporter, EMGCC is the site of the Eastern Amateur championship. Elizabeth Manor presents an enjoyable challenge to golfers of all levels. This is a great opportunity to play this beautiful golf course, which is otherwise not open to the public!
2024 Golf Benefit Information
9:30 Registration & 11:00 Shotgun Start
Sponsor Pricing
Sponsorship WITH players:
Cart Sponsor: $1750 - Includes two foursomes, 16 mulligans, and a sponsorship ad in golf carts.
Dinner Sponsor: $1,000 - Includes one foursome, 8 mulligans, ads on tables and easels at dinner, and hole signs.
Corporate Sponsor: $850 - Includes one foursome, 8 mulligans, and a sponsorship hole sign.
Sponsorship WITHOUT players:
Snacks & Drinks Sponsor: $500 - Includes an ad at the snack tent.
Platinum: $250
Gold: $100
Silver: $50
Hole sponsorships: $150
All sponsorships $150 or more include a sponsorship sign prominently posted at a tee box.
Four-player team entry: $600
Single entries: $150 per player